5 Reasons your Pussy is Dry

Why does dryness occur?

A healthy vagina is a wet and juicy one. However, when your estrogen is low, the vaginal walls can become thin, dry, and inflamed, which can be uncomfortable for women.   Here are the five main reasons women under 40 experience low estrogen, which is the main reason for a dry yoni.  

Birth Control

Birth Control is famous for reducing Androgens, the sex hormone in women responsible for sexual drive and increased blood flow.  If you have no regular sexual drive, the body does not produce estrogen and decreases blood flow.  Since the Vagina is mainly tissues, when there is no blood flow, the vaginal tissues dry out.


When we are stressed, our bodies produce cortisol.  When our body overproduces this hormone, we dehydrate the body.  As we know now, the Vagina is made mainly of tissues; dehydration decreases blood flow and dries the vaginal tissues out.  

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Because of the drastic spikes and dips of hormones, while having children, our libido is decreased, and we do not desire sex.  If we do not have a sexual drive, our body won’t produce the hormones needed to lubricate our vaginal tissues properly.  


When you douche regularly, this can cause many uterine diseases and complications with your Yoni.   The chemical makeup of the solution used in douching causes the vaginal tissues to tighten and dry out.  

Frequent Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis

When you do not have a proper PH balance from good womb care, your Yoni can quickly become infected.  The imbalances of hormones and increased viral infections lead to a dry vagina.  

Steam regularly while taking baths to keep your PH balanced, keeping your pussy juicy and healthy.