The Full Moon in Sidereal Aries on November 8, 2022, is a Total Lunar Eclipse. It aligns with Mercury’s opposed Uranus. So the meaning of the Lunar Eclipse November 2022 astrology is the revelation of how using your instincts will help you find emotional stability; you don’t need to come up with a grand scheme to find success; you have to align with your Soul.
The Lunar Eclipse also is influenced by Saturn. The Sun and Moon will both be squared Saturn creating quick karmic results for many people affected by this transit. Saturn in Capricorn seeks for us to reach our highest selves, so this can be a scary and uncertain time for those who don’t.
Lunar Eclipse Placements
The Full Moon on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, will be at Sideral Aries in conjunction with the Bharani Nakshatra and Uranus. The Sun will be in Sidereal Libra conjunct Mercury. All of the planets mentioned above will be creating a T-Square with Saturn.
T-squares can be challenging, but many folks have done great things by working with the energy that can come from wrestling with them. | Article What is a T-Square?

Lunar Eclipse Meaning
A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon, only more robust, focusing on the cyclical nature of relationships in your life. This transit does not necessarily mean a “new” relationship but developing new ways to continue growing partnerships.
One cannot sacrifice spiritual development for financial gain without mental anguish. Therefore, learning how to get a grip on the spiritual nature helps ease mental stress, puts you in the flow, and supports your economic growth.
Being in eclipse season means one should reference their spiritual nature to achieve desirable outcomes. It also warns that those who ignore the spiritual will feel as if something is wrong. If not spiritually aware, the Lunar Eclipse intensifies negative feelings. However, if spiritually aware, it boosts desirable outcomes.
Astrology for the Lunar Eclipse
The Sun represents our instincts and ego, while the Moon represents our emotions and feelings. When these planets are in opposition, it is wise to observe and understand instead of acting out of the will. It is wise to act out of choice with full intention during the New Moon, while the Lunar Eclipse is the result of your work.
Sun in Libra
The Sun in Libra shifts our focus to the quality of our relationships. The Sun influences you to take responsibility for the type of relationship that will best suit you from now into the future. Libra is an air sign related to the mental, implying that the best relationships happen when there is a mental connection. When entering into relationships, do not be powerless while understanding that relationships must make sense and cents.
Sun conjunct Venus and Mercury
Venus adds more light to the planet, which gives you more clarity during this time. The magic happens when you act upon your clarity and not upon your previous habits. Center yourself once more, be one with the source, and remain whole. What you will notice is that many will be intelligent and manipulative when they are not properly guided.

Moon in Aries
The Moon transiting Aries brings about the emotional awareness of spiritual foundations. This transit represents a time to replant yourself if you have a spiritual foundation. The illusion of linear time creates a break in our mind that the reality of new beginnings begins to heal. You may think you are getting older, worse, or tired when all you have to do is reset. A Lunar Eclipse in Aries is a cosmic reset for your spiritual development.
Moon conjunct Uranus
A Full Moon conjunct with Uranus brings groundbreaking change, direction from the Soul, and sudden emotional reactions based on following false programs. The wisdom is in being receptive by not allowing outward turmoil to affect your inner peace.

Bharani Nakshatra
The Lunar Eclipse will take place in the Bharani Nakshatra. The nakshatras are small constellations of stars that the Moon travels through as it orbits Earth. In English, nakshatras are known as “lunar mansions.” Bharani is the second of 27 nakshatras. The Bharani Nakshatra is in the constellation of Aries.
The word Bharani means “one who bears”; the lord of this Nakshatra is Venus representing illumination, prosperity, and sexuality. The symbol for this nakshatra is the yoni, representing gateways, ancestors, rebirth, and discretion. The Deity over this nakshatra is Yama, the Lord of Death and the underworld.
The Lunar eclipse, conjunct with the Bharani Nakshatra, allows you to tap back into the source of feminine creation. This lunar eclipse aims to exist outside patriarchal hierarchal rulership and bring you a personal understanding of happiness and success.

Eclipse Season
In Astrology, the Lunar eclipse is influenced by the Solar Eclipse. The advisement was to continue down the spiritual path and block the noise. If you align with yourself, this eclipse season represents a rebirth and an ascension of consciousness. If you are into the Kanye, Kyrie, and Migos news cycle, you are under a spell; seek to align with what is best for you and let the celebrities live their lives.
Why Eclipses Happen
Lunar eclipses happen when the Sun is close to one node, and the Moon is close to the opposite node. Eclipse season allows us to reset ourselves spiritually. When we take our spiritual development seriously, we get miracles, insights, and guidance that can only come from the spiritual world. But, as they say, the veil is thin.

Lunar Eclipse Key Points
- A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon intensified.
- The Sun and Moon will be conjunct personal and transpersonal planets heightening the fact that we are all connected spiritually.
- Find yourself within the flow of the universe.
- Eclipse Season is a time to ground yourself spiritually.
- Focus on the Soul and not outside distractions. There will be a lot of outside news.
- Upgrade the quality of your present relationships or get new ones.
- Understand the nature of divine feminine energy.
- If life is difficult, you may be too patriarchal or masculine-minded.
- Divine feminine energy is spiritual, irrational, and illogical.
- Be observant, journal more, and pay attention to your clarity.
- Take advantage of the thinning veil to understand the spiritual workings of the universe.
- When you understand the mysteries, they will not block you inadvertently on your spiritual path.
- Meditating, drinking tea, journaling, and researching, are ways we understand the mysteries.
- Relax and enjoy.