Most people are focused on how they want things to be. However, how you want things to be is much different from what things are. Shadow Work helps you see how things are, not how you want things to be.
Emotions are illusions
An illusion is something that seems to be accurate but is not.
As a soul, you possess a body that feels pain; if you identify with the body, you will identify with the pain.
Emotional pain is a product of the mind; without you focusing on thoughts that center on emotional pain, you could not experience it.
Emotions are strong feelings we believe, and since we hold such a firm conviction towards our feelings, they are natural to us. Unless we decide to change our minds or something more important happens.
Since we can change our minds, we can turn away from “pain,” if we feel that we cannot turn away, that feeling is an illusion. An illusion is something that seems to be accurate but is not.

Illusions are external
Illusion cares about appearances and lower vibratory things. The nature of illusion and fantasy will have you waiting for something that never comes.
Illusion invades your thoughts and creates false beliefs, negative emotional reactions, and harmful habits. Whenever you attempt to correct the misconception, your mind will fight you. However, there is no fight when you are aligned with the soul’s guidance, which comes from within.
To escape illusion, you must get acclimated with your inner world. To grasp the inner world, you must remove negative emotions, which make the inner world inhabitable. You want to release negative emotions because they are not real and serve no purpose along your spiritual journey.

Everything is energy
The soul is energy, and everything from the soul exists as energy. Our ideas, physical bodies, emotions, and feelings are all energetic. Every human being is an active vibration at different levels and speeds.
When things vibrate high, they are light and unseen. When things vibrate low, they are dense and hard to move. Just think of how it feels to have a “light” heart instead of a “heavy” heart.

Negative Emotions
Pain and negative emotions exist at the lower denser levels of the emotional, energetic spectrum. Conversely, bliss exists in a non-existent far-reaching frequency where no pain is in sight.
When we are in a low frequency, everything is a challenge and another reason to suffer. Since your emotions represent the quality of your inner life which creates your outer life, you must choose the emotions you want to experience.
Negative emotions cause a person to suffer repeatedly in their mind. However, we love positive emotions, and we do not realize that without positive emotions are negative emotions, so the goal is to remove negative feelings altogether.
When you are free from emotions, you are more present and free of shadow projection.

Desire is the origin of Negative Emotions.
When you desire or want something you do not have for an extended period, this creates illusionary emotional pain. You choose what you like and want. Furthermore, if you did not wish to do what you desired, there would be no pain. Instead of desiring, you could be grateful for what you have.
Acceptance allows you to be present and clear on the soul’s intuition, guidance, and unconditional love. When you refuse to accept, you block the soul while making your life harder than it already is. Learn to allow and get guidance from the soul.
Consciousness is being present and asking yourself a question while formulating an answer. Ask yourself: What am I thinking, what am I feeling, what am I doing, and why? The more you do this, the more present and in control you will become. If you do not do this, you will be reactionary and living life on autopilot.
Learn to reflect and journal throughout your day because it allows you to think more calmly. When you obsess about the future, you lose control, making you feel worse.
Reflection is essential along the spiritual journey because it allows us to be accurate and spiritual. When projecting the future, we can be wrong and deep into the illusion. When we reflect on our previous experiences, we can ask questions and get clear answers that will better prepare us for the present.
Illusion and Inner Peace
When you bring awareness to illusion, you will have inner conflict. When you remove illusion, you will have inner peace and be able to perceive the soul’s intuitions. However, illusion prevents you from being receptive to your soul’s guidance.
Illusion and inner peace cannot coexist because an illusion’s job is to destroy your peace. Also, when you have moments of inner peace, you will spend the other moments suffering. Suffering is why we pick up our phones, still emotionally react to negative things, and feel oppressed. Being good at hiding your suffering does not create inner peace. It just means allowing the illusion to destroy you.
The goal is not to have moments of inner peace but to cast illusion out of your mind entirely. When we have goals and desires, we are saying that when we get these things, we will have inner peace, which is inaccurate. When you do not get what you want, you will react emotionally because your goal is something you must wait for that never existed.
Desires are 50/50
But achieving eternal inner peace, love, and intuition from the soul has a 100% success rate. So it would be best if you first dwelled in the soul’s palace long enough for all illusions to disappear from your mind.
The emotional reaction to life and lives circumstance can allow you to forget your soul is even there. Furthermore, focusing on your desires means you are not focusing on your soul, which is where most people find themselves.

Removing the illusion
Stable mind, balanced emotions, and a strong will to act on behalf of your soul’s wisdom and guidance. Stay in the higher vibration while acknowledging the times you are in lower consciousness so you can tell the difference.
Many people do one thing to keep their lower vibratory habit alive. Seek to remove items that bring your spirits low constantly.
Spend time in meditation without reacting negatively to the process. Let your mind go from the external world and recognize the power of the spiritual world.
Keep an open mind; spirit will speak to you uniquely; if you are following someone else’s script, you will miss out on what your guides are directly speaking to you.
Stay consistent with your spiritual work. Do not be lazy. And

Shadow Work Prompt
- Write a list of the things that you are grateful for.
- Write a list of things you are suffering from, and surrender to it, let it go, or change your mind.
- Please write down your present circumstance, and accept it.
- In this present moment, I am not suffering…… My suffering is an illusion in my mind.
- Ask yourself: What am I thinking, what am I feeling, what am I doing, and why?
- To escape the illusionary world, go within.
- To escape illusion, establish true inner peace. Fantasy and inner peace cannot coexist.
- Am I being receptive to my soul’s guidance at this moment?