One of the most important transits of the year is Jupiter, conjunct Chiron in Sidereal Pisces.
Jupiter and Chiron only meet once every 50 years on average.
The exact transit happens on March 12th, 2023, at 14°, but we can already feel its influence since Jupiter and Chiron are only a few degrees away.
In Vedic Astrology, this conjunction occurs in the Revati Nakshatra, which also means “to transcend” and “wealth.” This nakshatras message is to absorb and balance the past with the present.
With Jupiter Conjunct in this Nakshatra, it references the unseen reality of deeper spiritual truths. When you ignore the facts, you can be in darkness and confusion. However, when you honor and realize your spiritual truth, you live more efficiently and expand.

When you recognize a more profound spiritual truth, you realize the all-seeing eye is always watching, so your actions ultimately matter.
Jupiter, conjunct Chiron, asks if you have healed your past or if your past is still wounded. Suppose your past is still an emotional wound, destroying the present. Where you know you should be grateful, but the past is so visceral you cannot be grateful.
When you identify the suppressed wound rising to the surface, don’t suppress it further. Instead, examine it, and expose it through journaling so you can heal it.
How to find what house Jupiter conjunct Chiron is in your chart, visit here, put in your birth information, look for the outer circle to find Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Sidereal Pisces, and look at the inner ring to see what house the transit falls in your chart. If you do not know your birth time, then all homes apply.

First House
- Wounds that are hidden around how you are looked at and how you are received.
- You may think you were cheated on or mistreated because of your looks.
- The accountability comes when you realize that it isn’t about looks, identity, and upbringing holding you back in relationships.
- You must go deeper into abandonment issues and problems with your parents.
- Those wounds need to be addressed by you, which will allow you to easily live in your purpose without the self-sabotage mechanisms that tend to happen because you have misplaced surface wounds for deeper wounds you haven’t examined.
- Take the following months to dive deeper into your emotional issues instead of focusing on how things look.
Second House
- Mother wounds need to be addressed to assist in economic expansion.
- Your economic expansion will come once you release the spending habits of your mother or the dominant feminine figure in your life.
- Taking the time this year to double down on your financial literacy. Gaining a tangible financial tool like understanding the stock market, investing, or real estate.
- Spend time this year addressing the wounds of the feminine caregiver while creating new habits that will help you reach your financial goals.
- Not accomplishing all you can due to harmful habits creates deep hidden emotional pain.
Third House
- Feelings of being disconnected from the God within had led to times when you spoke incorrectly or not at all.
- Times when you Believe narratives others said about you instead of reflecting on your soul’s purpose have created a wound that has limited your voice.
- Overcoming this limitation will allow you to show up for your business, community, and collective.
- You must reaffirm your connection to your source and speak divine truth to your collective.
Fourth House
- Emotional eating tendencies have limited you.
- To change your relationship with food, you must acknowledge your feelings before suppressing your emotions. Unfortunately, many suppress feelings they need to address by eating.
- You don’t have to have a big belly to have the wrong gut help or be an emotional eater. However, lousy gut health through a poor diet blocks you from your intuition.
- Your intuition resides in your subconscious mind, so the best thing to do is clear your gut and monitor the emotional triggers that cause you to act unconsciously.
- The intuition gained from the subconscious mind will assist you in pursuing a new home, city, or even a new relationship.
Fifth House
- You have a hidden talent that you willingly suppress.
- First, you will say, “I don’t know what that talent is,” because it is hidden.
- Your kundalini needs to be raised to be instructed on this hidden talent.
- Once you know what this hidden talent is, you must put it on display.
- Understand that you have latent talents and abilities that have not been suppressed. They just are sleeping. Once awakened, your spiritual intelligence comes with gifts that can be shared.
Sixth House
- You are a very powerful manifestor. However, the wounds that created the emotional prison of lack must be addressed.
- Since you are such a powerful manifestor, you can also create situations that are not favorable for you.
- Whether you sacrificed your health or well-being for others, your emotional wounds must be addressed as you ensure you put your health first naturally.
- As you balance your health and mind state, your ability to manifest will be 10-fold this time next year.
Seventh House
- Relationship wounds such as a divorce or infidelity have caused hidden emotional injuries.
- This wound needs to be healed because you decide solely on not getting hurt instead of giving and receiving love.
- Whatever is disturbing your thoughts should be confronted, journaled, or meditated on to balance your mental health.
- Once this area of your life is balanced, you can expand through your relationships with others.
Eighth House
- Wounds related to sexual mistakes you wish you would’ve never made, so you suppress the experiences.
- They are allowing these situations to rise to the surface with forgiveness and awareness.
- Times where you were lost and couldn’t recover or trauma you couldn’t remember is rising to the surface.
- Allow the deep emotional confusion to rise out of your being to create space for new financial wealth, blissful unions, and emotional clarity.
Ninth House
- The suppressed wounds from being stagnant and not valid to yourself are rising.
- The times when you ignored your ancestor’s warnings, left your guardian angels’ protections, or put your job/obligation before your path are rising to the surface, so you no longer make those decisions.
- Allow the tendencies and patterns of disconnecting and disassociating to leave your being.
- Create an altar, travel, or develop a sincere spiritual practice to connect to the other side for information and direction.
Tenth House
- Ignoring the direction of the higher self has created recognizable wounds.
- You can get closer to your higher self as you clear these experiences from your aura.
- The motivations that your meditations and reflections give you lead you to more significant expansion.
- Healing and reconnecting to the higher self makes you whole, leading to tremendous success.
Eleventh House
- Isolation wounds become too painful to ignore, so you go outside your comfort zone to create a team.
- Being in sincerely psychically connected groups, your job is to provide for people who can provide for you.
- Be sure you are not isolated from people because of the refusal to heal from the past.
- Journaling, Counseling, or support groups allow you to shed the mental barrier of past wounds that Block your connections as a vital piece of an expanding collective.
Twelfth House
- Wounds based on the misunderstanding of your nature have created an imbalance.
- You are a spiritual being, not a human being, so you may hold on to wounds that are even assigned to who you are.
- Release yourself from your humanity as you gain access to your spirituality.
- The true purpose of your existence will come into focus as your spiritual drive becomes the primary drive, and the result will be unimaginable expansion.