This weekend starts with a New Moon in Aquarius, in the Shatibishak Nashatra, “100 healers.” This phase highlights the tension between individuality and the collective. Themes like freedom, wealth, and spirituality come into focus, revealing how personal growth shapes collective impact. Aquarius represents your connection to others, a muscle that strengthens or weakens depending on how you use it.
The idea that you’re either an introvert or an extrovert is a misconception, most of us are both. We need solitude and connection. Balancing these energies to care for ourselves while contributing to the collective is the practical side of Aquarius. Aquarius energy feels unique, but uniqueness is a constant principle stabilizing the collective and personal experience.
As the Sun moves through the final two zodiac signs, Aquarius and Pisces, it brings a natural period of reflection. Aquarius reflects actively seeking insight to share while Pisces reflects passively, surrendering to the flow. How you engage now can shape this moon cycle and beyond. Aquarius requires tuning in with the intent to give as a sign of guidance. This is active reflection not just looking back, but gathering wisdom.
Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, embodies both discipline and freedom. This reflects an inner process you must work to unlock to reach your next stage. It’s like a flower budding and then blooming; what came before felt like life, but this phase is an entirely new reality.
Aquarius, the Water Bearer, symbolizes the flow of energy, blood, and information through the body and mind, which is why it rules the circulatory system in medical astrology. During this phase, support your growth by staying hydrated, doing cardio, and practicing deep breathing.

Aquarius is represented by The Star in Tarot, symbolizing divine guidance just like an actual star. Take the Sun, for example: it radiates light, fueling life and growth. The essence of Aquarius is the recognition that an unlimited source of spiritual knowledge is always available. Your role is to access it and share it with the collective.

Your actions generate energy, sending electrical charges through your body and strengthening your magnetic field. As part of the universal electromagnetic field, you thrive when your decisions align with your soul. This calls for studying dharma and keeping spiritual principles a priority. To cultivate this energy, practice yoga or deep stretching with breathwork, focusing on the heart over the head because the heart’s magnetic field is far more powerful than your thoughts.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon at 15° Aquarius is Two lovebirds sitting on a fence, singing happily, reflecting the Vedic concept of ananda, bliss. The reward for inner work is the joy found in both cultivation and contribution. Moving beyond the ego’s illusion of separation allows you to transcend maya and recognize your place within the whole.

The minor arcana card that rules this Decan of Aquarius, the Six of Swords, symbolizing heart consciousness. In the Tree of Life, Six aligns with Tiphareth, the heart center, while swords5 represent the mind. Bringing awareness to your heart opens the door to new and connected experiences. Your blossoming isn’t just a personal journey, the collective will witness your growth.
The Nakshatra of this transit, Shatabishak “The Hundred Physicians” is symbolized by an empty circle, reflecting Aquarius’ rulers: Saturn (discipline) and Uranus (freedom). You are contained within the body, yet your capacity to grow and evolve is limitless. Ruled by Rahu, this energy pushes you beyond present circumstances toward an unknown but expansive future.
The themes of Shatabishak Nakshatra center on healing, boundaries, self-awareness through astrology, and inner mysticism. Everyone is connected to the same divine source; it just manifests differently for each person. Instead of mimicking others, focus on embodying your unique expression of the God Force within.
New Moons set the tone for the next 30 days. If you’re struggling, expect healing on both personal and collective levels, make space for it. You don’t need excess ideas or external inspiration; focus on cleansing the body and mind. Keep your energy flowing through movement, generating magnetism from within.