The New Moon is conjunct the Swathi Nakshatra which is associated with the fixed star Arcturus.  This energy speaks to speaking your truth, living your truth, and expressing your truth.  One has to know their inner truth radically, so remove any layers of illusion this week. The primary illusion would be that you can do it alone.  Libra is the constellation of balance, partnership, and marriage.  Be mentally, emotionally, and physically available to follow your intuition to new places.  Your soul has a different direction than your EGO, so learning to speak from it, create from it, and express from the SOUL. Is going to be clutch.


The Swathi Nakshatra is identified as the Fixed Star Arcturus, the Alpha Star of the constellation Bootes.  Arcturus is the highest civilization in our galaxy, and this energy provides wisdom through peace of mind.  They have taught civilization love, magic, and higher consciousness.  Arcturus teaches us that what we reap what we sow, that our desires are wasteful if we do not act on them, if we follow our desires with integrity and persistence, we will be rich.  This energy also symbolizes going within and developing the emotional maturity of the wise ones.

This New Moon intends for prosperity through alchemy.  Look at all of the unsatisfactory results and learn from them.  Once you have an idea or if you already know your ideal, then it is your time to go for it full blast.  If you fell off a previous mission, it’s bothering you, hop back on, and get to it.  The truth of the pure intellect is the way, following another’s way may get you lost.