Opioid Epidemic 2022
Thousands of Americans are addicted to opioids, and nobody is saying anything. Instead, after a Government crackdown on prescription opioids, drug dealers have gone to more scientific measures to give people their opioid fix.
The nationwide supply of opioids is no longer coming from doctors but fentanyl. Which has become the deadliest drug we have ever known in this country.
The Evolution of the Opioid Epidemic

Fentanyl is responsible for over 70% of overdoses in the United States. The reason drug dealers sell Fentanyl is that it is highly potent. All it takes is a small amount to make a lot of money. However, you can cut it up to 50x, and with that extreme potency comes many deaths.
People who use Fentanyl get high for a couple of hours and need to get high several times a day. Every time a person uses Fentanyl, they also risk dying.

Fentanyl is the main contributor to the total of overdose deaths. Fentanyl does not need plants for cultivation, and drug dealers can make it purely from chemicals. As people become lonelier and more inward, drug use will continue to rise. Physiologically, human beings seek a spiritual experience but are getting hard drugs instead.
Loneliness and Drug Usage
Individuals who suffer from loneliness are more likely to be dependent on drugs. In addition, the feeling of loneliness is stronger in drug abusers than in people who do not do drugs, which leads to feeling like an outsider, leading to the development of being different and may increase the probability of high-risk behaviors such as abusing drugs.
When helping someone or yourself treat addiction, you must address loneliness. Because if loneliness does not get managed, the habit will most likely continue.
There is a lot of talk about the health hazards of being around people. However, we rarely talk about the consequences of being isolated.
Social isolation and loneliness affect tens of millions of Americans of all ages and genders. High-quality social connections are essential to our mental and physical health and our well-being. Social isolation and loneliness are important, yet neglected by a large percentage of the population.

Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the hermits themselves. Hikikomori is the loners or “modern-day hermits.” Estimates suggest that half a million Japanese youths have become social recluses.
Scientists have linked the risk of hikikomori or extreme isolation during these times to the increasing use of the internet. Withdrawing into your home and yourself does not lead to positive psychological experiences. It creates more anxiety and stress based on the continuation of chronic fear.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder or Social phobia is a disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday life. People with S.A.D. have a persistent, intense, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others. Additionally, the fear of being embarrassed or humiliated is more of a reason to isolate further. The fear acts as protection from the outside world.
Conclusion | Shadow Work and the Inner World
Social anxiety disorder often runs in families and may be accompanied by depression or other anxiety disorders. To deal with this mental stress, individuals may turn to alcohol and drugs, which leads to addiction.
Millions of Americans suffer from addiction; however, that is the result of a cause which is severe loneliness and fear. We manage through life with drugs and other escapism tools. We live when we address what makes us want to use drugs.
We must learn to get high off life, meaning we must know to do the healthy things that bring us true joy. The inverse is that we can be so deep in darkness that we forget light exists.
We all have an inner world that can be a place of refuge, a business, or torment. If our mind causes us sadness, begin to journal, speak to someone, or attempt a creative endeavor to release those negative energies. Yet, the source for all of your greatness comes from within, so we must create an internal environment to facilitate a healthy mind space.
Journaling is a supreme form of healing because it allows you to see what you are feeling instead of simply experiencing it. Doing Shadow Work will let you get closer to the God Within, where the miracles start.
Sharing with others in a healthy energy exchange is incomparable. However, one must be strong enough to build bonds with others through speaking up. If this is difficult for you, begin to journal and build up the courage with your imagination.
With all of the technology at our fingertips, it could be so simple to isolate yourself and live happily ever after. However, please do not accept that as all that life has to offer and work towards having a robust social network in real life because it is a significant part of having a healthy life experience.