Psilocybin and Shadow Work

Chronic Fear

Fear is a feeling that is internal and guides a person to a ‘right or wrong decision.  Fear arises when the five senses have determined an external stimulus poses a threat.  An external threat triggers increased brain arousal and can alter how you perceive the world while your body becomes flooded with hormones.  

Chronic fear is a constant emotional state with no specific cause.  Chronic fear operates in the background of our lives, seated in the substrate of awareness, constantly informing the experience of reality and adversely affecting the ability to make sound decisions.

The adrenal glands release cortisol in response to fear or stress as part of the fight-or-flight mechanism.  

Things like Chakra Work, Meditation, Yoga, Exercise, and Shadow Work assist with riding the body of fear.  

The Effects of long-term Chronic Fear

Our bodies respond to fear in three distinct ways: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion. 

The First Reaction to stress and fear the body prepares to deal with the threat by releasing the primary stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline.   

After the threat has no longer posed itself as a danger, the body begins to normalize and balance.  

In chronic fear, these hormones get stimulated constantly, which leads to hormonal exhaustion.  We call long-term chronic fear overload, burnout, fatigue, or dysfunction in society.  

Chronic fear leads to hormonal dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, sleep issues, eating disorders, and the inability to respond to life responsibly.  The Brain’s capacity to operate at a high level depends on specific chemical states; when we are stressed and in fear constantly, our brains cannot properly work.  In highly aroused states of consciousness, such human beings struggle with correctly perceiving the world around them.  

Spiritual Growth

We must perfectly understand our inner world to perceive the outer world correctly. Chronic fear is the main block to spiritual growth because it does not focus and concentrate on our true selves. Because we fear becoming our best spiritual self, we allow ourselves to become spiritually stagnant. So to grow spiritually, one has to honestly face their fears to become the best version of yourself.  

When we become spiritually mature, we forgive and free ourselves to become the best version of ourselves. Chronic fear lies at the root of an unsolved problem, and spiritual growth lies at the heart of finding a solution that brings about a sincere feeling of joy and peace. Life has so many mysteries, and peace and happiness happen when we seek answers to those mysteries. Unfortunately, chronic fear blocks you from taking the necessary risks to solve your problems which stops your spiritual growth.


The irony of Chronic fear is that we fear our Authentic Self because we fear judgment from others. However, authenticity is the most critical value of a human being.  

Your authentic self has full awareness because it is not pumping your brain full of fear and stress emotions. As a result, your authentic self is more intelligent, and it makes better decisions that assist you in spiritual growth. You also become responsible for your choices mainly because you make sincere choices because you are comfortable in your skin. Another thing about chronic fear is that we so desperately want to be someone else until we learn that it is so much easier to be ourselves.  

Psilocybin and Shadow Work

Psilocybin is a chemical compound that produces psychedelic effects. Psilocybin refuses negative mood, increased positive attitude, and reduced fight or flight response to chronic fear.  

If taken responsibly for spiritual reasons, psilocybin offers you the opportunity to experience life with a reduced fear perspective. In addition, because we feed our fears, psilocybin helps adjust our stress response. 

Since everyone has a shadow, we all need a way to address our shadow self safely. Since our shadow self’s foundation is chronic fear and we respect our fears, it is generally difficult for most of us to grasp doing shadow work. Another reason we call it the shadow is because we do not see it yet it rules a large portion of our day.

Instead of telling us what we should do, unhealed trauma constantly tells us what we should not do. If you do not heal from your past, it is hard to tell the difference between them. IF you honestly think something terrible will happen if you act in your best interest, you may also believe it is wise to not work in your best interest.  

Psilocybin assists in lifting that fog of knowing you should make better decisions but not sure where you will find the strength to do so.  The use of psilocybin provides us with the potential for exposing the narratives that hold us back from becoming our best selves.  By uncovering your true self you are doing Shadow Work effectually.  

Ethnogen means "God Within"

Throughout history and today, people have frequently used psychedelic plants for spiritual reasons.  Psychedelics open you up to altered states of consciousness, creativity, and ideas you would not have experienced outside of the influence of the plant.  Whether used to “talk to the gods,” hunting, sexual Initiations, vision quests, or physical healing ailments, psilocybin was there.  

Entheogen refers to “God within us” and is the plant substance that gives one a religious experience when ingested.  However, if you are dealing with fear, you will be too afraid to attempt or even think about possibilities.  

The Shadow is alive and intelligent.  When we try to define our Shadow and suppress it, we repress ourselves.  To honestly examine what you say or put up with that holds you back has to be eliminated.  However, if you support your blocks, they have no way of removing themselves.  Blocks cause anxiety, stress, and depression because we have difficulty getting out of our way.  

Within us is nature because we are nature.  We naturally grow and expand while fears constrict and stop our spiritual growth.  When we uncover the shadow natural side of us, we unlock the part of us that is intelligent and divine.  We have to be fearless enough to be authentic while being guided by our divinity because God is within us.   

Bad Trip and Shadow Work

Often, psilocybin brings about a connection between you and the God within through a series of uncomfortable emotions and fears.  By addressing these fears, you will experience the most profound breakthroughs.  We may know that we are not conscious of things, but psilocybin guides you to where you are holding yourself back.  

Most people hope for nothing but positive emotions. Although they suppress negative emotions, some of us imagine that repression is elimination.  The reality is that you will face what you have hidden to live free of that negative energy.  Meeting you fear that you cannot ignore them. You have to ‘face’ them.  Psilocybin assists in that facing. While some misunderstand it as a “bad trip,” it is through our darkness that we find the light.

Energy Flow

Letting our energy flow is vital to our well-being. When we have fears and stress, we are halting our energy flow. The pressure that results from stagnancy is exhausting. So, the best thing to do is learn how to engage and be involved in the world around you. 

Repressing your Shadow leads to stagnancy, anger, health issues, frustration, and dysfunction. Instead, working with your Shadow through journaling, creativity, and healthy conversations to be your authentic self allows for true joy and inner peace.  


Our relationships provide us with the most significant growth opportunity. At first, we go into our relationships with all of these hidden motives and fears. However, as we work on our shadow selves, we become more open and less restrictive because we no longer have to protect our concerns. Once this takes place, we can learn to love one another.  

What we usually call love is chronic fear and attachment. Fake love is another reason relationships are stress-filled and toxic because, without authenticity, it’s hard to love and be loved.  

Even deeper, finding God within also requires finding it in others, which changes how you relate to others. So, where we are looking for people to protect our fears, we are looking to share the infinite love found within after shadow work.  

Our chronic fear is usually supported when we are alone. However, when we start families and build relationships, that fear shows up when you least expect it. To avoid the sting of lack of shadow work, begin to have authentic conversations with the people you are intimate with.  

If you are still seeking the courage to be your best self by removing your fears, research microdosing psilocybin combined with Shadow Work to start living outside your worries and stress.