Chakra Work helps you accomplish your goals…

What are Chakras?

Chakras are your body’s connection to divinity. Every Chakra connects to your endocrine system. The hormones created and released by the glands in your body’s endocrine system control nearly all the processes in your body. These chemicals help coordinate your body’s functions, from metabolism to growth and development, emotions, mood, sexual function and even sleep.  

Chakras and Concentration

When we are in tune with our bodies and chakras, we find it easier to accomplish what we set out to do. However, most of us suffer from a lack of concentration and focus, which makes accomplishing goals harder. When you activate your lower chakras, it becomes easier to perform tasks.  

To concentrate, you have to forget about the surrounding stimulation of the world. You have to have a strong sense of self. To accomplish what you want, you have to remove all other distractions. If your root chakra is not grounded, it will be hard to remove distractions. On the contrary, most people seek out distractions because they are not concerned about the inner world, just the outward results.  


How each Chakra helps or hinders you from accomplishing your goals.

Root Chakra

  • Sexual Confusion and pain
    • The Root Chakra is the home of Kundalini Energy.  Most people know this energy as sexual energy.  Chakra Work raises this energy in the spine without engaging in the sexual act because the sexual act is how we waste our Kundalini.
    • Since the school doesn’t teach Kundalini activation, many trades in Kundalini Activation for the sexual act, wasting energy through sex is an issue because the fuel for accomplishing what you want comes from raising your Kundalini energy.  Unfortunately, most do not get the chance to do so because they are too busy wasting it.  
  • Sexual Trauma
    • Our greatest strength is our sexual energy.  However, some of us experience trauma in our lower chakras, which creates a sense of powerlessness about reaching and accomplishing our goals.  
    • If you have suffered from sexual trauma, this is not the end of the world.  What tends to happen is that we do not address our traumas.  Seek to identify your concussions while seeking solutions to heal the wounded part of you.
    • You may be a person that has goals and ambitions yet find yourself giving up at some point due to reasons unknown.  Then, when you seek to activate your root chakra sincerely, you will initiate the natural healing process of Kundalini Awakening. 

Sacral Chakra

  • Unconscious Emotions
    • Our Sacral Chakra deals with our unconscious emotions (mainly due to the feelings of being disconnected to the source), which very few people address.  We never manage our emotions primarily due to never being taught about it and because we can be completely unaware of how we truly feel.  
  • Feeling Less Than
    • Guilt, Shame, Lack, and victimization are ideas that we hold that block us from accomplishing our goals in life.  We feel we are not good enough or something terrible will happen if we live our best lives.  
  • You are not your emotions
    • Learn to separate yourself from your emotions.  Although they feel real, learning to separate from what you think doesn’t take over your mind and stops you from achieving your goals.  

Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Ego
    • Our Solar Plexus is how we show up in the world.  The sincere feeling of accomplishing things is not based on the outer world but on who you are on the inside.  We get confused by the external world when we compare ourselves to others, and we start to think something is wrong with the people doing the things we want to do.  
  • Creative over Competitve
    • Learn to be more creative and less competitive.  You may feel validated in your competition with others, but you are also wasting time imagining that what someone else has is better than what you have.  
  • Who you Are not What you Do
    • The Solar Plexus Chakra’s most important aspect is knowing who you are, which makes it easier to accomplish your goals because you are not trying to be anyone else but the best version of yourself.  


Everything is energy, and in our confusion, our energy gets stuck in the Chakras of the Body.  By raising Kundalini through awareness, yoga, and breathing exercises, you begin to empower your energy to move freely throughout the body.  Once grounded and your emotions stabilize, you start to feel who you indeed are.  Knowing who you are will allow you to make goals and plans in alignment.  Once your goals and objectives align with who you are, the manifestation of what you desire becomes extremely easy.

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