Is the only goal to become rich?
We equate money with happiness even though Kanye is a billionaire, and he seems more stressed out than most of us. Things such as drugs, domestic issues, heavy drinking, and physical altercations happen to rich people and poor people just the same. Yet many people wish to be rich like Kanye because all of their problems will disappear if they become wealthy.

Some of us may have parents, family members, or close friends that earn a lot of money but are not “rich.” Because it is not how much you make, it’s really about how much you spend. If you make 100,000 dollars a year, you still may live check to check because there is always something to buy.
Making a lot of money allows you to buy more things on credit. So the money you make is usually used for paying bills and not investing.; Without investments, we lose our true sense of wealth, meaning our money is working for us and making us more money. Debt takes the money you could be investing into cash to spend on your lifestyle.

We naturally think that more money is better, which may be true if you have a meager income. However, most of us make enough money to start being wise with our money through LEARNING how to invest and grow our finances because the goal is not to be filthy rich but to have enough money to do the things that we want to do.
Who’s Richer
Suppose a person makes 30,000 a year but invests 10,000 while living on the other 20,000. Would they be considered rich?
If a person makes 100,000 in a year but has overspent this 100,000 and had to take out a 50,000 dollar loan to keep up their lifestyle. Would they be considered rich?
Wanting what others have
The deal is that when we see what others have, we tend to want the same type of things because we assume that the rich person’s life is so much better than our own life. However, money does not mean your partner will love you more, you will have more friends, or your actual quality of life will improve.
In affluent neighborhoods in America, people are always jogging, walking, and working out, which means that not even money can prevent you from poor health. Even if you are rich, you have to work out. But, ironically, you don’t have to be rich to work out and be healthy.
How Shadow Work Can Help
You can be poor and seek to understand yourself, learn yourself, and eventually love yourself. Loving the Self is extremely important for all human beings, rich or poor.
You don’t have to be rich to have a strong network or support system. In this life, it is much more essential to do shadow work to be more receptive to people as you find and build your tribe.
Are you doing something that you love, that is benefitting you financially. When you are focused solely on cash, you tend to do whatever for it, even if it sucks the soul out of you. Your business may not get you rich overnight, but as you learn, evolve, and grow, you will have gained satisfaction in doing the thing you love.
Make a daily list of tasks and cross out each assignment as you finish it. Doing this makes you feel good about the day, and quite honestly, that is all any of us have, rich or poor. So, what did you do today that made you appreciate the life you are living?
Stay healthy through eating, exercising, and meditation. Continue to learn new information. As mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health is the actual indications of a successful life and not who made the most money and bought the most luxury items.