Lavender is a true healing herb Lavender is an herb a part of the mint…
Author: hoodmystic
Uranus in Sidereal Aries | November 19th, 2019 Venus conjunct Fixed Star Nunki | November…
This herb will heal and restore you. Mugwort is an herb of great importance in…
People use lemon balm for cold sores, anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion, dementia, and many other…
This magical herb can moisturize, heal, and restore For centuries, Marshmallow Root has healed human…
Uva Ursi is an ancient remedy for the modern problem of urinary tract infection. Uva…
Allspice is a spice made from the dried berries of a plant known as Pimenta…
Mars Conjunct Mercury | The Sun trine Neptune | Mercury/Mars Oppose Uranus A WAXING CRESCENT…
CHICORY ROOT is a weight-loss herb that will help your immune system lose weight and…
Hephaistos is the Greek God of fire. A blacksmith and craftsman, Hephaestus made weapons and…