Lemon Balm is a must-have herb for the WINTER!!

People use lemon balm for cold sores, anxiety, stress, insomnia, indigestion, dementia, and many other conditions.

Lemon Balm is a mint herb known for its mood-enhancing qualities and its ability to improve cognition.

Historically lemon balm has been said to possess sedative, anti-gas, fever-reducing, antibacterial, muscle-relaxer, lowers blood pressure, memory-enhancing, menstrual-inducing, and thyroid-related effects. However, it is generally associated with mood and cognitive functions, not limited to these benefits.

Medical studies have found that lemon balm may help cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). In addition, lemon Balm was shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and reduced the inflammation and pain HSV presents. It also possesses properties that destroy viruses against simplex virus type 1.

Topical lemon balm is the most popular treatment for genital or oral herpes. It appears to make flare-ups less intense and last for a shorter period. According to multiple medical studies, using Lemon Balm as a facial steam or yoni steam regularly will heal and prevent viral outbreaks.

Whether you have a cold sore, anxiety, stress, insomnia, digestive problems, mental issues, or any other conditions, it is best to keep this herb in the medicine cabinet for healing purposes. Learn to make essential oils, chapsticks, lotions, and steam blends using this herb to take advantage of all of its healing power.




