Get your Groove Back with Marshmallow Root

This magical herb can moisturize, heal, and restore

For centuries, Marshmallow Root has healed human beings from various ailments: digestion, sore throat, eczema, breastfeeding, a powerful vaginal dryness treatment, and even more. Commonly called Althea, which derives from the Greek word meaning “to heal.” Marshmallows to be one of the most valuable herbs. Classified as demulcent, emollient, and diuretic.  

Demulcent – herbs relieve inflammation and irritation.  Emollient – herbs soothe.  Diuretic – herbs remove water and waste from your body.  Marshmallow Root does all three of these things depending on how you prepare and use this powerful herb.  

Marshmallows healing properties are due to being mucilaginous, which means it has a thick sticky quality. Just think like actual Marshmallows. So even though Marshmallows don’t get made with the root anymore, the idea remains. The mucilage moistens the mucous membranes and balances the body’s temperature.  

Marshmallows can help the body retain water and, at the same time, can also help the body release excess moisture. For example, in the respiratory system, People use marshmallows root when they experience dry coughs from a dry and irritated sore throat. As the herb soothes and protects the lungs, it also reduces the irritation that coughing creates.  

Women who have or are going through menopause may benefit from steaming with Marshmallow root. The herb’s cooling and moisturizing properties reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy while soothing and protecting the skin. Keep Marshmallow Root in your cabinet just in case you need to take advantage of its many cures.  
