Sidereal Planetary Placements
- Sun in Virgo
- Moon in Pisces
- Venus in Virgo
- Chiron in Pisces
- Mars in Taurus
- Neptune in Pisces
- Saturn in Capricorn
- Uranus in Aries
- Pluto in Sagittarius/Capricorn

Full Moon Overview
On October 9th, 2022, the Full Moon will take place in Sidereal Pisces in the Revati Nakshatra. This Full Moon represents the Ending of primary karmic cycles and the beginning of a more prosperous process for God’s children.
Dual conjunctions
The Sun will be conjunct Venus in Virgo, while the Moon is conjunct Chiron. These dual conjunctions allow the Love and guidance of higher consciousness to radiate on the planet.
Squares during the Full Moon
There will be two squares during the Full Moon transit adding the right amount of tension to bring about positive changes in your life. First, First, First, Mars will be squaring Neptune, revealing whether you were active in your spiritual development or wished someone else to wash your ass for you. Second, Second, Saturn will be squaring Uranus, aligning you to your authentic spiritual expression over the one you were trying to emulate.
The Full Moon | Sun Oppose Moon
When the Sun and Moon are opposed to one another, this creates the aspect known as a Full Moon. The Sun represents our Ego, personality, and pursuits in the 3D reality. At the same time, the Moon represents our feelings, emotions, and instincts.
The Ego opposed the Soul.
When we are aligned at the Moon and Sun levels of life, everything is in alignment. However, most of us will have to work to understand how to balance the Lunar (Moon) side with the Solar (Sun) side. Most of us are attempting to exemplify our Solar Ego and personality. Although we have feelings, we may not emphasize the Lunar side of life because society does not find it essential. So we continue to work on our 3D reality and ignore our subconscious mind at our own expense.
The truth will set you Free.
During Full Moons, speaking and living in your truth is best because your feelings are valid. However, it will be hard to validate your feelings if you do not have the intention to be in alignment with your Lunar and Solar Truth.
The End of a Cycle
Full Moons also mark the end of a cycle that started 14-days ago; if you know what is ending, use these next 14 days to transform and pivot towards your new beginning. Allow things to complete that wish to come to a close, don’t hold on to something you don’t want to be held on to.

Sun Conjunct Venus | Love Vibration
Sun conjunct Venus in Sidereal Virgo is all about the harvest or the reality of not properly sowing seeds for the future. We can bask in the Love of our body’s good health or deal with significant health issues because we didn’t take the proper care of ourselves. Love is a preventive medicine to many problems people face when Love is not at the forefront of their daily lives. What may look like magic or fate from the outside will be the seeds of Love you sowed months ago.
Feminine Sun
A masculine sun will be logical, reasonable, and make a lot of sense. A feminine sun gets results from artistic, creative, and seductive intentions. When being artistic, you never know the results of others, so the significant component of creative acts is optimism. With this being said, the things you decide to do, make sure they evoke hope and faith that everything will end in your favor. Feminine suns elicit bold and courageous actions even though the result is unknown.
Love and Relationships
The message for Love and relationships related to Sun conjunct Venus in Virgo is endless possibilities in direct proportion to effort. You will get what you are willing to work for. Love is not an easy thing that comes to you and basks positive energy upon you forever. At times, our relationships challenge us to be consistent and better people than we would be if we were alone. Therefore, if you seek true companionship, Effort is Required.
Venus in Virgo summarizes the maxim, Love is in the Air, that requires patience to develop. Venus symbolizes Jesus and Lucifer, the morning and evening stars, which means that Love is perfect and has a severe dark side when not cultivated in truth. As the Sun moves away from Venus, the false love vibrations will wash away, and the real Love will be weighed more thoroughly when the Sun transits Libra.
Venus shines so brightly that it is the first “star” to appear in the sky after the Sun sets, or the last to disappear before the Sun rises. Its orbital position changes, thus causing it to appear at different times of the night throughout the year.
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
Revelation 22:16
How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!Isiah 14:12

Moon Conjunct Chiron | Everybody does not have a soul?
When you have the heart to heal and uplift others, human beings will challenge you because EVERYBODY DOES NOT HAVE A SOUL. Pisces Moon is how we assess our perpetual spiritual development. Soulless beings will continuously downplay and ignore spiritual growth. For those of us who have Souls, we come face to face with how well much we have integrated our shadow into our everyday life.
Gratitude vs. Ambition
Your Soul is grateful for breath and existence; the Ego has money and ambitions; when we focus so much on our work and money, we forget our spiritual development. When this happens, we have mental and emotional health issues, just our Souls begging for attention. Many people don’t have a soul, so living at a lower frequency wouldn’t bother them as it bothers you. During this transit, work not to compare yourself to others, and make sure you are in alignment with your Soul, and you will know by having healthy mental and emotional health.
Psychological Wounds
Many spiritual leaders do not have souls—they profit from the ignorance of our lack of knowledge of our Soul. The goal of a spiritual professional is to guide you to their courses, classes, readings, workshops, retreats, etc., which gets them paid and you outside of your Soul. The psychological wound of not having a soul creates deep jealousy of human beings that have souls, so most spiritual leaders hate you because of your power and make it a business to keep you from it.
Soul Talk
If you have a soul, seek to work to heal your wounds and get closer to your Source. Those who don’t will treat these times like business as usual, and for you, recognize the times your Soul is seeking attention and connect with it.
Revati Nakshatra
The meaning of the Sanskrit word, Revati, is prosperous, favorable, auspicious, tending to bring success. This Nakshatra is symbolized by a Drum, which means we can hear the vibrations/sounds of the Soul, which bring about an understanding of your purpose.
The deity of Revati is Pushan, a Good of marriages, journeys, paths, and enlightenment. He connects souls from this world to this world while protecting you from challenging spirits.
Meaning of Revati Nakshatra
Related marks a new phase, not a new circumstance, but a new stage of the current creation. You may seek a unique situation altogether, while the advice is to manage your current relationship, job, or status to improve it. Pushan is the God of paths and journeys, suggesting that running to whatever is new and shiny isn’t wise and probably not a good idea. How can you improve what you have while being grateful for all you have, without seeking more?

Mars Square Neptune
Mars is finishing its transit in Taurus, squaring Neptune in Pisces. As a result, you may need to make some serious decisions to simplify your life. The ideas that sounded good but didnt pan out, you will see them clearly and be advised to trim the fat to create more purpose in your life.
You are doing your spiritual work.
Spirituality works for those who take it seriously, and while we all wish to have the best results, we must do the work to get them. This is a great time to do magic and look for miracles, but you must learn to do your job. This is an excellent time for working with your altar and ancestors, but not a good time to pay for others to do the work for you. If you don’t feel powerful enough, then build up your Ase.

Saturn Square Uranus
Saturn is in Capricorn, squaring Uranus, finishing up in Aries. Saturn in Capricorn teaches us how to find purpose by merging the lower Self with the higher Self; if we are serious about our spiritual development, we become different people. Align your environment to the person you are changing into. If you feel you must travel, move, or take a break, follow your Soul’s guidance.
Spiritual Ethics
Since there are no criteria for being spiritual, many people can fake as if they are so. So what tends to happen is that people will attack you or drain you underneath the surface; the surface of these attacks feels like anxiety, depression, and sadness. We all have spiritual attachments, to a lesser or greater degree; when it becomes a problem, our emotional and mental health becomes an issue. So learn to resist the Matrix and move towards peace of Self.

Neptune Sextile Pluto
Neptune is entering Pisces, creating a long-term sextile with Pluto entering Capricorn. These two planets entering into new signs represent significant earth changes at the spiritual level. Learn to connect to the spiritual world to help ease your mind as the changes occur; if you have no connection to the spiritual realm, you will feel like these changes are an attack on your peace of mind.
A New World
Make peace with the transformations of the planet and find where you want to get involved. For example, suppose you can learn how to get into the local legislative process or community-based organizations with progressive goals. In that case, you will be on the cutting edge of leading us into the New World that is forming.

Full Moon Review
- Full Moons are times to align your inner and outer worlds, but you must remember that your inner world creates the external world and not the other way around.
- Love is a powerful tool to get your goals accomplished. Let Love give you new ideas and wisdom that reason and logic don’t.
- Many false teachers prey on you because they are jealous of you, not because they want to help you.
- Because you must wash your own ass.
- Hear the quiet voice of the Soul by minimizing distractions.
- This is a perfect time for Altar Work and spiritual pursuits.
- Follow your Soul, not the Matrix.
- Make peace with a world that is transforming.