The Full Moon is a Portal

What if

You could wake up into a completely different timeline, maybe a slightly different one where things make a little more sense.

You Do it Everynight

We only see what our brains want us to see. You program your brain to give you precisely what you want to see every time you go to sleep. The problem lies in you not knowing or understanding your power. You must program and reprogram your subconscious mind to find inner satisfaction, creating overall satisfaction.

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The 3 Keys to programming your subconscious mind

Law of Attraction | Law of Opposites | Law of Cycles

When utilizing these three keys during a Full Moon, you create a portal effect that allows you to write upon your subconscious mind and effectively program and reprogram your subconscious mind to live in the desired timeline.

Law of Attraction is an understanding that things magnetize to you, dependent on your thoughts for better or worse.

The Law of Opposites is the reality that we are in constant change from one opposing force to the next. Every living thing is opposite to the Soul; it is unaware that it will eventually return to the Soul.

The law of cycles is an ancient understanding that puts time into endless cycles of various durations, with all processes marking the beginning or end of all events.

The Full Moon and reprogramming your Subconscious Mind

The moon in astrology represents the subconscious mind, and when the sun is aspected precisely opposite the moon, we call this a full moon. Full Moons usually allow for clarity or confusion depending on how clear or confused a person’s inner world is.

When people are unaware of these astrological events, they are affected randomly; when you are aware, you can be more strategic and use these aspects to your advantage.

In the case of a Full Moon, the Sun and the Moon are twins, opposites, attractive forces, and operate on a 28-day cycle. So when you are aware of this cycle, you can prepare for it, allowing you to use Full Moons as portals.


Portals are a cosmological concept of a doorway that connects two distant locations separated by space and time. Space and time are constructs that humans use. However, that does not mean humans at the spiritual level get restricted to space and time. In our sleep, we are outside of space and time, and since we don’t understand the reality of the dream, we don’t place importance on the dream.

Sleeping with the understanding that our dreams are portals allows us to explore the spiritual technology within us. In addition, knowing that the portals are at the highest activity during Full Moons will enable us to enter those nights with our intentions at the forefront of our minds because we can wake up to a new reality where our struggles become solved problems.


The night of a Full Moon is a stargate. This portal enables rapid transportation to other dimensions and alternate realities, where you exist in parallel worlds having completely different experiences. At this point, you have probably lived in so many parallel worlds and lives that it all seems like one unified experience. However, this belief is precisely what the Ego wants you to think to keep you on linear time and in a moralistic prison that states if you do good, you get good.

You must release yourself to the multiple timelines and parallel realities within that you block yourself off from because you may think you are just the Ego. However, if you knew the keys to unlock it, your twin soul, the subconscious mind, can grant you any wish.

Additionally, these keys are the law of attraction which is the positive charge of the Ego and the Sun or your personality combined with the negative charge of the Soul, subconscious mind, or the moon. The Ego and the Soul are twins, opposites, and one. Like the Sun and the Moon, when these gateways are activated, so is our ability to jump timelines consciously into desirable worlds.


Every 28 days, the Moon and the Sun align and create a portal of space and time for individuals to program their subconscious minds. If you don’t care or pay attention, you will continue your everyday mundane existence.

Sun and moon are twin energies that correspond to your Ego and Soul, seen and unseen, masculine and feminine, light and dark. What we understand about the unseen will translate into the seen. Likewise, what we don’t understand about the seen is understood in the unseen. Positive and Negative charges attract each other; when we align with our positive and negative controls, we become the magnet to our desires.

The three keys to unlocking our magnetic energy are the Law of Attraction, the Law of Opposites, and the Law of Cycles. First, your thoughts are unseen but attract seen things in your vibration; this is the law of attraction.

You understand your unseen thoughts and emotions are powerful, so you are intentional about your thoughts and feelings; this is the law of opposites.

You know that timing is everything, so you align your rituals, spells, and workings with the cosmos. You also see the difference between beginning and end; this is the law of cycles.

When you work with these three keys intentionally, your subconscious mind opens a portal to your Soul, which gifts you all that you request out of life. Likewise, when you meditate or fixate on cosmic ideas, you will create a wormhole between you and the planetary body, giving you thoughts and spiritual intentions outside your Ego. To access portals to cosmic energy, you must go deep within yourself.

“Every man and every woman is a star,” moving in their orbit, by their unique nature, not to be diverted into a standard mold of uniformity.