Roses are more than just pretty flowers

Have you heard about the healing powers of roses?

Roses are not just pretty flowers to look at; they are rich in natural molecules that benefit you at a biological level. Roses have healing properties such as respiratory relief, reduction of inflammation, clearing mucus, eases coughing symptoms, and roses also clear the nasal passageways. These beautiful flowers are also known for more than their fragrance.

Roses have been on earth for a long time. Anthropologists found the first historical reports of roses in old Chinese and Sanskrit texts. In addition, fossil findings dating from about 40 million years ago indicate that Roses have existed on the planet since at least that time.

From then to know Roses are the most important of all plants, a sign of inspiration, purity, love, happiness, and beauty; called the “Gift of Angels,” and the Queen of Flowers.

You can extract the essential oils from roses with water or through alcohol tinctures, for not only fragrance but for healing aromatherapy. Roses are known to treat and prevent various diseases and disorders when applied regularly.

You can use roses in tea, make Rosewater, or use Rose essential oil for aromatherapy sessions. Also, use this herb if you suffer from mild depression/sadness, are disassociated due to working a lot, want a potent aphrodisiac, seek to cleanse your skin/body, need your muscles relaxed, and even more. Rose petals relax you, cleanse you, heal you, and purify your body of parasites. Which makes you more attractive; this is why people associate this flower with beauty, inside and out.

Roses are an ancient healing source that should be a part of your regular herbal routine for their outer and inner healing properties. Use roses for vaginal steam, make rose water to drink regularly, soothe a sore throat with rose tea, enhance your mood with rose aromatherapy essential oil, and a slew of other fantastic healing benefits. You can also roll your favorite herbs in rose petals to enjoy smooth and relaxing smoke.

Roses are a must-have in everyone’s healing cabinet for too many reasons to name, so make sure you include roses in your daily regimen.