“When you become so determined that you want to feel good – you have become as your Inner Being is, in such a pure place of Positive Energy – then that which is ‘negative energy’ simply can’t mix with you. It defies Law.”
Esther Hicks
In this world, there are high vibrations and low vibrations. We equate our high vibrations with positive energy and our low vibrations with negative energy. You may desire positive energy but find yourself stuck in low vibrations. The reason for this is that people do not do shadow work. They may have heard of Shadow Work but do not understand its purpose and value.
The Meaning of Shadow Work
Shadow Work is the psychological process of integrating your unconscious thoughts with your conscious thoughts. For example, you may have experienced negative situations that you have not addressed, so negative energy stays within your being. If you never do shadow work, your unconscious negative feelings slowly eat away at your happiness.
When you do Shadow Work sincerely, you are removing those unconscious negative energies and replacing them with the positive energy of your soul. We were born as perfect souls, but we have forgotten about our true essence because of life.
Unconscious Negative Energy
Shadow Work helps you identify the negative energy you hold unconsciously. This negative energy is why you attract negative events in your life. To change the events in your life, you have to change the frequency you are tuned into. To explain, if you were listening to the radio in your car when a song comes on you don’t like you change the station. If life is not giving you exactly what you want, you have to deal with your inner self.
When you find fault in politicians or celebrities, you send out negative energy, even though you do not realize it. Most people think it is virtuous to criticize, but due to the Law of Attraction, what we send out is what we can expect to receive.
Learn to be mindful of your negative energy because unconscious negative energy leads to negative thoughts, leading to negative feelings that result in negative events.
Inversely, dealing with your soul creates positive feelings, which result in positive events in your life.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together

You need to do shadow work to identify your negative unconscious emotions. Then, surround yourself with genuinely positive people and consistently charge your energy with positive thoughts and emotions.
At the Soul Level, you create your reality. Unfortunately, most never get there because they are bombarded with negative thoughts but don’t have a process to rid themselves of unwanted energy. Shadow Work will assist you in identifying those hidden gems located within.
Finally, you will not stop people from being negative or sending negative energy. You can sincerely find joy with yourself and learn to overwhelm the people in your life with your limitless positive energy of the Soul.
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